

Going to Target RIGHT NOW to get Wall-E, mothafuckaaaaaaaaahs!


Total Revenge

I found a mix CD, circa 2002, and I am really pumped about it. It has all of these songs that I completely forgot about that are also lost in the abyss of my desktop's harddrive. Or possibly gone forever. But whatever, they're back now!
Also, if you're lucky enough to have a roommate that cooks for you (or your mother could even count for that matter), do NOT have the audacity to complain.... THEY COOK YOUR FOOD. THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANT TO IT. That's all.


Tracey Emin

You are my hero.


Don't Even Know

I feel generally confused. Maybe not attracted? I don't wanna lead anyone on. Fuck.
I got DK64.

In other news, I fucking love Punk Goes Crunk. It's.... amazing. I love rap. I love punk. Well I guess pop-punk would be more like it. Either way, all of the Punk Goes.... are all really awesome. SIGH.



Faux techniques is a forreal overrated class. Well i guess it can't be overrated if i've never heard of it before taking it. But I took it and today was my last day of it... I learned NOTHING!!! I mean, you'd think that since it's for sculpture majors that it would have some sort of ehh i don't know maybe a 3d aspect... I'm kind of freewriting here so you'll have to excuse my horrible diction... it just disappointed me that all we did was PAINT. I mean yeah it's a finishing class and blah blah, but like i wanted to MAKE something... like, learn how to make shit look like other shit. hard to find an example at the moment, but as someone mentioned to me previously, making styrofoam look like rocks, etc, etc... idk i just wanted to learn how to do something NEW. maybe it's just me, but painting is (NOT to say it's EASY) but something that I just already know how to do. it's so easy for me to paint wood that's realistic enough to get the point across. i'm not saying i'm the best ever at it but i just feel like that is already part of my repertoire. blah! that said, i'm off to look at sketchbook monttttthhhh! still my favorite :)



I doubt anyone cares, but it just bothers me that people think Survivor is called Survivor because Tender Branson survives in the end. That doesn't necessarily mean he survives the plane crash, because he was seen by the public eye as the last survivor of the Creedish cult so that already makes him a survivor. So whatever.
And I think this is the best book I've read yet by Chuck Palahniuk, because he doesn't add twelve ridiculous twists, although I've heard that there is an alternate ending.



So. I manage all the bills for my house. Today I opened up the electric bill and it has
since last month. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
It really irritates me because people in this house insist on leaving their fans on ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, even when they aren't in their rooms. That's fucking ridiculous. I REFUSE to pay for other people's wastefulness. And don't even get me started on the number of times I've gone around to everyone's rooms while they were in class and turned off their lights. Who uses a light in the middle of the day!!!! PLEASE TELL ME!!!
IN ADDITION, if Comcast fucks up ONE MORE THING, I may have to pull some kind of Timothy McVeigh shit up in that bitch!!! We haven't had consistent service for even ONE SINGLE DAY since we started with them. I'd say our shit works about 30% of the time. I've had at LEAST five technicians come out to "look at the situation", only the last of whom could actually fix the problem, and they are trying to CHARGE ME for these visits!!! IF YOU NEVER GOT MY INTERNET WORKING TO BEGIN WITH, WHY SHOULD I PAY YOU FOR VISITS BACK TO FIX SOMETHING THAT YOU FUCKED UP!?
So basically, the bills for this month are going to come out to something like $66 a person.... and that's split between SIX people. Absolutely ridiculous, considering we only paid about $40 a person last month.

IN OTHER NEWS, I met this boy who I thought was really cool in a completely platonic manner, and I gave him my number and we started talking and I'm like cool, someone else to play MarioKart with. Well I guess not. Apparently I'm crazy. I've never been told that in my life, and seriously it's bothering me. I guess cause I've never been rejected like that. I mean, I did NOTHING and I just don't understand it! It's confusing and I really really have no idea what I did, wtffffff. Ughhh boys.
Yeah and then in other male-related news, I am still bitter about the whole [censored] thing. It was nice to see him the other night but I forreal miss cuddling and I'm jealous of that bitch! Well maybe not jealous. I think the correct word is resentful. I resent the whole situation. I don't want to dwell on the past but I was forreal excited about it and then out of fucking nowhere! UGH!
Well. Whatever, whatever, whatever. Life goes on.

Maybe this date should be changed to September 17th. LOLLLLLLLLL JK


My Room is Awesome.


Lately I've been in this really terrible mood that consists of me wanting to violently injure everyone around me. I mean, not really. But really.
Firstly, I forgot how much I hate art douchebags. You know what I'm talking about, those people who want to think they are so fuckin artsy, and they want YOU to think they're so fuckin artsy, so they keep journals where they draw the croissant and tea they had for breakfast in their Fan apartment or whatever, or like, they keep a blog filled with disjointed daily ruminations on life and art. You want to know something? FUCK YOU! I can't stand that bullshit, nobody reads your blog except other people who are just like you and also keep shitty blogs with 8pt text all rendered in shades of brown and cream that are nearly impossible to read.
And then there's just generally people in my life who are pissing me the fuck off. I suppose it would be in poor taste to write about people who could possibly come across this, but the whole purpose of me writing is to displace anger and whatnot. Eh, I'll just say that being a whore is never a good thing, whether it be a legitimate promiscuous bitch, an attention whore, a consumer whore, whatevvvvverrrrrrrrr.
Oh yeah, and another thing... don't fuckin text me after you've been drinking. You know who you are. Just generally fuck you though. I don't know if you think I'm still on your balls or if you just wish I would be, but I'm really not trying to do anything except play some video games and hang out in the company of others. You and your art fag biddy can go write indescipherable prose all day in your blogs and take artsy photographs of eachother beside broken windows and shit. LOL



I got back from Philadelphia Friday. It was a great trip, Lindsay showed me a lot of really cool places and kept me really busy. We even went "down the shore" to Sea Isle City, NJ. The weather sucked for a beach, but it was still nice to go somewhere different. I had to get a train home on Friday and I enjoyed it up until the point where this 40 year old Indian man sat next to me and kept asking me if everything I had was from India, and if I wanted him to get me alcohol so we could drink together... Needless to say, as soon as he got up, I got the fuck out of there and moved up to sit next to an old woman so I could avoid awkward unwanted conversation and continue what I had been doing (listening to my music and staring out the window).
Then, on Saturday, Andrew and I took a trip down to Richmond to paint a couple rooms in our house. It ended up being really eventful, though I'll spare you too many details. Let's just say there was a dead mouse, a creepy, possibly homeless guy in our alley, and someone/something digging through our trash on the back deck. And another thing... our heat and a/c have different thermostats, and we spent the whole weekend in an 87ยบ house trying to find the a/c to turn it on, only to find it one hour before we left. Oy vey. We painted our living room (which had been MAGENTA) a nice olive-y green color that looks much, much better with the style of the house and also with our 1970's pleather couch! Then we painted my room a gray-blue-green color. Both rooms need a second coat. Never use Valspar paint.


Sketchbook Month

Is almost over, and you don't even WANT to know how far behind I am... Oh god. Whatever though, this is more sketching in a month than I usually do in a much longer time frame, so I'm proud of myself anyway!
I am never going to post anything, I have come to terms with that. Just because I can't use a scanner, not because I'm ashamed of my work, lol. The only person who reads this (Beckwald!) will see it eventually (maybe Saturday!).



That's the amount of money I have to pay for the repairs on my lovely vehicle! Woo!
I was working on my car replacing hoses all day the other day, when all of the sudden my fuel pump went to shit and my catalytic converter fucked itself as well. To top it all off, gasolina and oil were running down my driveway and the lovely mixture got all over my legs and stained them a horrendous brown color so it basically looks like I am Michael Jackson's illegitimate child.

I guess since this is my art blog I should mention that I have been participating in Sketchbook Month, though I haven't posted or even joined that blog yet... But believe me, I'm drawing my little heart out. One day, when I learn to use my dad's scanner, I will post 'em.
Also art-related, I've been looking at wall colors for my room and also helping Linds plan out her room design at the RVA house.
Umm, what else... I got these tiny canvases to paint on that I think I want to group together and do one image and then mix them up to make it look all cool... We'll see how that turns out.


Short Story

My short story's title is, "I'm right here, what do you need sweetie?"
I don't know how long it is, but I will assume 3 pages including title page and illustration.



This is my movie that was based off of a piece of art that I found at Diversity Thrift.
The first minute is supposed to be kind of unexciting and then the second part is more exciting :)



I am making up some makeup (oh man) labels and advertisements for my Surface class.
This is just some crap I had in my sketchbook. I made an ambigram of my name!

Chuck Palahniuk

Is it bad that I am reading Invisible Monsters and hoping that it will confirm my suspicions that CP is a terrible writer?
I have read Choke and Monsters and hated both of them, but people keep insisting that I read more CP until I decide he doesn't suck.
So I am hoping this book sucks.

Chuck Palahniuk tries too hard.



The results came back today and I am so relieved/excited/lots of other things to find out that I got into Sculpture + Extended Media, aka my FIRST CHOICE! Woo!

In other news, I am lazy and I do not want to do my claymation/stop motion video!!! I already shot the first minute once and it turned out super terribly and I need to redo it. Also, I can't even think of anything to have as the second video, especially since the two videos have to loop. BLAH ROSEMARY!!!!!!!!


Some General Art

I did these two pieces for Surface, I was kind of thinking about Ebola and um, third-worldy-ness about halfway through the piece on the left so that's what that is, and then the other one kind of goes with it, representing the technology we have here.

This is just a sculpture that I made of Plastilina in Matt Lively's class last semester that I like. It's not that big but whatever.

THIS IS MY PRIDE AND JOY, my favorite thing I have made in AFO all year. It's a marionette I made in Matt's class. I carved it out of balsa and then made some out of DAS. The wings are dryer sheets and the clothing is cheesecloth.

This is my crack baby and then what it looks like on the outside. I have a really shitty stop-motion that I made with it that I'd like to redo, I'll post that too.



Martha Graham was an American dancer and choreographer who was a pioneer of modern dance (she preferred the term contemporary dance). Her dance career lasted over 70 years. She is known for showing a lot of emotion in her work. One of her most famous dances, Chronicle, was about the Great Depression, the stock market crash, and the war that was going on at the time. It was dark and emotional and drew a lot of attention. She started a dance center under her name, and also began a dance company in Israel. Martha was named "Dancer of the Century" by Time Magazine in the 1990s, and has received numerous awards and was the first dancer to perform at the White House, was a cultural ambassador, and was awarded the Medal Of Freedom by a US President. Martha did not like to have her work documented or recorded, and even burned some of her diaries so that her notes could not be seen. She believed that dance was much better in person. Later in her career, she became an alcoholic and was dealing with a lot of criticism regarding her age. She stopped dancing, but continued choreographing, even while she was on her deathbed. She died at age 96, in 1991.
I couldn't find any of Martha's work online except for miscellaneous stills on Google Image Search, so I really have no idea what her stuff was like. I assume it was awesome if she was the Dancer of the Century.

Twyla Tharp is a dancer who danced with Martha Graham for a while. She also studied at the Vera Lynn School of Dance and went to Pomona and Bernard Colleges. She was part of the American Ballet Theatre in 1988, where she created 12 works. She has and still does choreograph for major dance companies. She has recieved a Tony Award for her work on Movin' Out with Billy Joel. She still choreographs, and she has said that, "dance is like bank robbery- it takes split-second timing."
I could find a couple of videos of Twyla on YouTube, but nothing that I thought was legitimate enough to make a really good judgement. From what I saw, her work seems fun, fast-paced, and energetic. She seems to be a little silly and playful, and some of her dancing reminds me of Pipilotti Rist's I'm Not The Girl That Misses Much. Only better. Haha. I would have to see more of Tharp's choreography and dancing to really say what I think.


Mark Morris is a modern dancer, choreographer, and director. He is known for his craft, ingenuity, humor, and eclectic music choice. As a child, his family nurtured his dancing and artistic abilities. He started his own dance company and has also worked on the White Oak Dance Project with some famous dude in 1991. He has done 6 projects at the San Francisco Ballet and has received multiple commissions from big companies. He has received 8 honorary doctorates, whatever those are. He was very well known as a dancer for his musicality, delicacy, and power. He was heavier than most dancers, like the size of a normal person, and still outdanced most of his contemporaries. He was known to be very expressive and technical.
AGAIN, I couldn't find much of his work online. I did see a couple of clips on YouTube, though, and it looks like any other professional dance stuff. Nice, but I guess dance isn't really what I'm into.


Jan Von Holleben

My friend Tori sent me this link and I'd just like to share it. The artist had kids lay down and pretend to do cool stuff like leap over gaps, throw giant rocks, ride bikes, fly, et cetera and then photographed it to look like they were standing up to do it.


Flip Books

This video is of my first flip book. The assignment was to show a transformation. For some reason I really hate seafood and sea creatures, but they also intrigue me, so I consider them for my art quite often. What happens basically in this book is that the character is eating calamari and then turns into a squid. I guess the moral of the story is: You are what you eat! Har har har!

This video is the second flip book. The assignment for this one was to use inspiration from Einstein's Dreams, and base the book off of that. I decided that it would be hard to convey one of those stories in a three second flip book, so the best way to show a story was to use both books in tandem. This book is the "alternate universe," so to speak, of the first book. The character starts out by eating the calamari, but I guess it doesn't agree with him, so he throws up everywhere.

Critique encouraged!!! Not only of the flip books themselves, but also of the videos. I was thinking abou re-shooting them in natural light and with a black background instead of the boring tiled floor. What do you think?


After way too much work and not enough motivation or inspiation, here is m Flash project!


Little Five Points

I'm in Atlanta for spring break and it's been a lot of fun so far. Tomorrow I am going to Little Five Points, a really eclectic area of ATL, and I am going to spend mad money on clothing and home decor and other unnecessary items! Wooo!


Check this out.

Sketchbook Month
Where you have a month to fill up a 100-page sketchbook with anything you want, experimenting with all kinds of styles and techniques.

I'm down, who else is?



Daniel Spoerri is my new favorite artist.
Finishing projects at the last minute is a bad fucking idea.
My K key doesn't work all the time, it's really annoying, especially when I type fuck.


Found Object

Assignment: Find an Object and create sets of photos that show time passing using your object.


Lupe Fiasco

I just bought Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor the other day. I have been listening to it practically non-stop. I seriously recommend it to anyone, especially if you don't usually listen to hip-hop. It has a really good message, and Lupe is a beast writer. Swear to dog.


Time is...

...something that will have to pass before I can attempt to give blood again!
I tried to today, but my iron was too low even after multiple pricks to the finger.
How unfortunate that I won't be able to save a life.

In other news, I'm getting a fucking house!
I am so excited. I finalized it with my parents. Me and the other tenants are filling out all the paperwork and getting our money together for the deposit.

I hate how people try to sound so intelligent and philosophical in their.... opinion sharing. Using fancy words and obscure quotes does not make me think you're more credible! Here's my fancy quote:
"if you gonna rap about it be trill about it / and dont say shit if you can't BE REAL about it"
-Lil Scrappy



This weekend was a celebration of time, a.k.a. Andrew's birthday. We had a lot of visitors and I am glad to have met all four of them. They were all very enjoyable. I decided to make this post less dull, I will add some pictures I took. I am still trying to figure out how to use this camera to its full potential. I used the Panasonic FZ50 that I got for Christmas.

Geez Louise, it's taking a lot of time to upload these pictures to Photobucket.
It cracks me up to overuse the word time in my posts if you haven't figured that out.


P.S. Some of these aren't from this weekend. Too fuckin' bad.

If you have any tips on how to improve any of these, that would be good.

It's About Time

...that everyone realizes that my name is spelled N-I-C-K-Y.
I don't take offense to misspellings because I realize how many ways there are to spell it.
Eh, I suppose as long as nobody ever whips out the "N-I-C-C-I" shit again I might live.

Honestly, who the fuck spells their name that way? Wouldn't that be pronounced as Nee-Chee anyway? Some people...


Time Photo

I chose this picture of myself and by little brother a few years ago. The reasoning behind this is simply that I love reminiscing. I love to see how much people have changed and remember "good times", "old times", whatever times.

What is time?

What a generic title for a blog, but what can I say?
I suppose my idea of time, or what time is to me, rather, would be that it is only a guideline that people use to regiment their lives and to decide what they can and cannot do, when they can or cannot do it, and why they can or cannot do it. I find myself doing the aforementioned-- using the minutes on the clock, made up for the sake of organization, I assume-- to do what I wish to do and to find ways to get around doing those things that I do not want to do. That could be convenient, I can use it to wiggle my way out of doing certain chores around my house-- "Hey Mom, I don't have time to vacuum today because I have work in three hours and I have to eat, shower, and drive there." We all know damn well I could vacuum if I really needed to slash wanted to, but I calculated the amount of time I had, thought of ways to fill it up, and then did those tasks at my leisure to get out of something else.
Hell yeah.
Another thing about time. I was reading Einstein's Dreams, which I purchased for this class, and found a specific section very interesting and extremely relevant. Overall, the book so far seems to be explaining exaggerated characteristics of time... sort of using certain paradigms of time perception and use. The one that stuck out particularly, though, is "24 April, 1905" in which there are two times, mechanical time and body time. I suggest reading it for a better understanding, but to me, this concept seemed not at all like a dream and very much like reality.
I could go on about time, as it is a huge topic, but I am getting bored of typing on this horrible Mac. Which is taking a lot of time. Man, I could spend tons of time telling you how much I hate Macs, but I don't want to waste your time. Welp, time to go find a picture of time!


I got a sudden uh, lightbulb in my head or whatever. This acoustic musical artist from Chantilly, Abigail Kiser, has a line from a poem that she recorded on her CD, that I really like. It's not really deep or anything.
"What are words but a mute man's frustration,
What is time but an aging man's justification,
And what is love? Baby it's a generalization."
I really like that whole stanza. That specific line also reminds me of another story in Einstein's dreams in which everyone tries to live as far away from the Earth's core as possible in order to avoid aging as quickly.