

So. I manage all the bills for my house. Today I opened up the electric bill and it has
since last month. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
It really irritates me because people in this house insist on leaving their fans on ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, even when they aren't in their rooms. That's fucking ridiculous. I REFUSE to pay for other people's wastefulness. And don't even get me started on the number of times I've gone around to everyone's rooms while they were in class and turned off their lights. Who uses a light in the middle of the day!!!! PLEASE TELL ME!!!
IN ADDITION, if Comcast fucks up ONE MORE THING, I may have to pull some kind of Timothy McVeigh shit up in that bitch!!! We haven't had consistent service for even ONE SINGLE DAY since we started with them. I'd say our shit works about 30% of the time. I've had at LEAST five technicians come out to "look at the situation", only the last of whom could actually fix the problem, and they are trying to CHARGE ME for these visits!!! IF YOU NEVER GOT MY INTERNET WORKING TO BEGIN WITH, WHY SHOULD I PAY YOU FOR VISITS BACK TO FIX SOMETHING THAT YOU FUCKED UP!?
So basically, the bills for this month are going to come out to something like $66 a person.... and that's split between SIX people. Absolutely ridiculous, considering we only paid about $40 a person last month.

IN OTHER NEWS, I met this boy who I thought was really cool in a completely platonic manner, and I gave him my number and we started talking and I'm like cool, someone else to play MarioKart with. Well I guess not. Apparently I'm crazy. I've never been told that in my life, and seriously it's bothering me. I guess cause I've never been rejected like that. I mean, I did NOTHING and I just don't understand it! It's confusing and I really really have no idea what I did, wtffffff. Ughhh boys.
Yeah and then in other male-related news, I am still bitter about the whole [censored] thing. It was nice to see him the other night but I forreal miss cuddling and I'm jealous of that bitch! Well maybe not jealous. I think the correct word is resentful. I resent the whole situation. I don't want to dwell on the past but I was forreal excited about it and then out of fucking nowhere! UGH!
Well. Whatever, whatever, whatever. Life goes on.

Maybe this date should be changed to September 17th. LOLLLLLLLLL JK

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