Lately I've been in this really terrible mood that consists of me wanting to violently injure everyone around me. I mean, not really. But really.
Firstly, I forgot how much I hate art douchebags. You know what I'm talking about, those people who want to think they are so fuckin artsy, and they want YOU to think they're so fuckin artsy, so they keep journals where they draw the croissant and tea they had for breakfast in their Fan apartment or whatever, or like, they keep a blog filled with disjointed daily ruminations on life and art. You want to know something? FUCK YOU! I can't stand that bullshit, nobody reads your blog except other people who are just like you and also keep shitty blogs with 8pt text all rendered in shades of brown and cream that are nearly impossible to read.
And then there's just generally people in my life who are pissing me the fuck off. I suppose it would be in poor taste to write about people who could possibly come across this, but the whole purpose of me writing is to displace anger and whatnot. Eh, I'll just say that being a whore is never a good thing, whether it be a legitimate promiscuous bitch, an attention whore, a consumer whore, whatevvvvverrrrrrrrr.
Oh yeah, and another thing... don't fuckin text me after you've been drinking. You know who you are. Just generally fuck you though. I don't know if you think I'm still on your balls or if you just wish I would be, but I'm really not trying to do anything except play some video games and hang out in the company of others. You and your art fag biddy can go write indescipherable prose all day in your blogs and take artsy photographs of eachother beside broken windows and shit. LOL